05. June 2019
CALORIC to supply second hydrogen generation plant by methanol reforming for long-term customer in Indonesia
Caloric Anlagenbau GmbH received the contract to build a second hydrogen plant for an existing customer in Indonesia. The customer needs to increase hydrogen production due to a higher demand and good market development. Due to the good long-term business relationship and a high degree of trust and satisfaction in the existing CALORIC plant, the company has been awarded again with the supply contract. The reliable whole life-cycle support for CALORIC’s plants was also an important factor for the decision.
A challenge for this project was the restricted available area on which the plant has to be installed. As a result of these specific requirements, a partial two-floor construction was chosen to meet the local site conditions. The plant itself is manufactured in CALORIC’s typical skid-mounted design and is pre-assembled in CALORIC’s workshop in order to reduce the efforts on the construction site. Delivery date of the plant is spring 2020.